Our platform "white labeled" for your brand.
Become a partner
Help Creators make a better living from their passion and their work. Provide them with a platform that helps them generate new revenue streams and reduce their lost revenue from digital piracy.
How partners use the EvergreeNFT platform.
The Marketplace
Establish your branded Marketplace (initially on the Shopify platform but we can support other payment platforms as needed).
The Web App
Create your branded Web App using our template or create your own (we will tell you what you need).
Market and Sell Creator Works
Your members and customers can create and sell their works, using the same EvergreeNFT process and with the same protections, but under your brand.
EvergreeNFT’s platform sits behind your branded app and handles all other functions in the same way it does for the EvergreeNFT marketplace.
Creators follow the same process as for EvergreeNFT to secure and sell their works. Usage and commercial rules are written to each creation’s blockchain.
EvergreeNFT makes access to the purchased work available to the buyer through the branded partner Web app.
EvergreeNFT receives transactions from the partner marketplace and writes transactions to the individual work blockchains. This process establishes blockchain verified proof of ownership.
Just great creations! EvergreeNFT sends the purchaser proof of ownership as well as access instructions to the work.
EvergreeNFT manages the split of sales proceeds between creator, partner and EvergreeNFT.
Works sold through the partner branded marketplace can be resold by the owner on both the partner marketplace and the EvergreeNFT branded marketplace.
What does it cost to be a partner?
Upfront support requests to help with setting up your branded marketplaces will be individually discussed and priced.
We will typically charge a small % of your revenues (net of payment processing charges and taxes, if applicable) including NFT resale revenues. We are willing to discuss alternative arrangements.